Save manual time and report revenue with ease and accuracy

Do you need to distribute or monetize your orders? Save time from crunching the numbers and report the company revenue quickly and accurately. Look no further. With Revenue Recognition, it's effortless.

Also, it’s handy if you, for example:

  • Run media campaigns
  • Have advanced order calculations
  • If you’re part of a SaaS company 
  • If you’re a consultant/ hired a consultant
  • If you’re in recruiting 
  • For anyone who wants to spread and get a better overview of their finances

Revenue Recognition could, for instance, be useful for consultancy agencies with accruing income over 12 months or another period. Let’s say you have 100 000 that you’ve put on one consultant, but you would like to see how much revenue you’re getting per month.

Imagine you have zero revenue in June but 50 SEK each during July and August. That’s when Revenue Recognition is beneficial. Distribute the income to what fits your business economy. 

An Upsales pro tip is to combine Revenue Recognition with the add-on Insights. These two go hand in hand. With Insights, you can download advanced rapports based on your quarterly or annual revenue. 

On the more technical side, find out how to use Revenue Recognition in our Support Center after you’ve set it up.