Revenue Journal Ranking 2024

An extensive study of B2B companies growing more than 30% per year and what they have in common.

Daniel Wikberg

CEO & Founder of Upsales

Daniel Wikberg

CEO & Founder of Upsales

How do top performers drive growth?

Our research team has analysed over 300,000 data points to identify the fastest-growing B2B companies in the Swedish market over 100MSEK.

The result?

112 companies with impressive financial achievements, divided into three growth tiers: 30-40%, 40-50%, and 50%+ growth.

Which companies are featured?

  • Revenue growth was above 30% in 2022.
  • Over 100 MSEK revenue in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
  • Positive revenue growth in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
  • Offer a significant B2B offering in Sweden.
  • Headquarters based in the Nordics.

This research is based on data from Creditsafe. Download the full report for more information on how the research was conducted.

Shortlist: Sweden's Fastest-growing B2B Companies over 100MSEK

Key takeaways & data overview

This report contains extensive data, graphs, interviews and insights on how Sweden's fastest-growing companies drive growth, including a survey with detailed responses from 20% of all CEOs. Download the full report to get access to all insights.

Here are three of the main takeaways.

Takeaway 1

Growing fast is challenging, and most founders hand over the reins as the company expands. Only 112 companies qualified for the list, and of these, only 17 have their founder as the current CEO.

Takeaway 2

High growth and profitability aren't mutually exclusive. In 2022, 86% of the featured companies grew with profits, and 74% grew with profits in all three years.

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Takeaway 3

Sustained rapid growth is difficult. Only 17% of the companies achieved an annual growth rate of over 30% in each of the three years studied.

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Read the full report to access

  • An executive summary
  • Data overview (including breakdowns of growth rate, profitability, and three-year performance)
  • Industry overview
  • Interviews with 4 CEOs from the top 20 companies on how they drove growth
  • Survey results from 20% of CEOs detailing financing, growth drivers, cost of sales approaches, average sales team size, deal sizes, sales splits, biggest challenges, investment focuses, and more.

Executive Network

By downloading the report, you also apply to our invitation-only Executive Network, which is exclusively available for CEOs and C-suite executives who fulfil certain financial criteria.

If you are accepted, you can expect:

  • More research on driving growth and scaling sales
  • CEO only events
  • Networking opportunities
  • The weekly Executive Newsletter from Daniel Wikberg, CEO & Founder of Upsales.

And much more!